Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Gunsmithing screwdrivers

Since I wrote the article on Improving Smith & Wesson Revolver Triggers, I have received several questions about gunsmith screwdrivers.  One question is "How can you say people should budget $100 for screwdrivers, and then not say what to buy?"

Well, when I wrote the article, I made an intentional choice not to recommend a brand of screwdrivers.  I have a decent set of screwdrivers, but they are not perfect, so I decided not to recommend them.  And I have not tried enough other screwdrivers to make a thoughtful recommendation.  Besides, I am not trying to give a recommendation for every product that someone might need.  My goal is to introduce important topics and provide enough information that people can avoid common pitfalls.

My hope is that anyone who reads my article will google for something like "gunsmith screwdrivers" or "hollow ground screwdriver set" instead of just looking for screwdrivers at the hardware store.  And anyone who searches for the right things, and reads some reviews, will end up with a decent set of hollow ground screwdrivers.  I understand that people like specific instructions, but sometimes general information is useful, even if it is not definitive.

If you are interested in a more detailed discussion of screwdrivers, the link below has some interesting perspective from a master gunsmith.  When the guns are works of art, the tools to maintain them are taken very seriously. - Gunsmithing Screwdrivers For Double Guns

Monday, February 6, 2017

New article on improving the triggers in Smith & Wesson revolvers

I have written an article about improving the triggers in Smith & Wesson revolvers. This is not a tutorial article about changing springs or stoning parts. Instead, it is an introduction to some general principles about how revolvers work.

Improving the trigger on Smith & Wesson Revolvers

Part one of the article covers general concepts about gunsmithing and discusses the meaning of a "good" trigger. If you want a better trigger, this part will be useful whether or not you want to do the work yourself.

Part two of the article contains more detailed information that will be helpful if you want to try working on your own revolver.